Hallmark Talks
A selection of hallmark talks about BYU-Hawaii/CCH

President Alton L. Wade: "BYU-Hawaii: An Institution of Prophetic Destiny", Devotional Address, January 7, 1993: http://byuhutah.classquest.com/Main/Default.aspx?siteid=224514462&pageid=24038&pageindex=1

Elder Donald R. Hallstrom: "True to Our Heritage", BYU-Hawaii Founders' Day Devotional, February 11, 2005 by: http://w3.byuh.edu/devotionals/media/2005/0211hallstrom.htm

President Eric B. Shumway: "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants", Jubilee Year 2005, October 18, 2005: http://w2.byuh.edu/devotionals/media/2005/10Shumway.html

Well-traveled Hinckley called Laie "a unique and wonderful place": http://newsroom.byuh.edu/?q=node/1548